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I came back to Portugal after many years in Paris, which lasted since my Undergrad project at LULI in Ecole Polytechnique, to a Post-Doc in the Univeristé d'Orsay and the Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée. First as a Post-Doc, then as an Associated Lab researcher, and now as an FCT Investigator, GoLP has been my home ever since.



Ultra-bright X-ray sources

X-ray Free Electron Lasers. Plasma-based X-ray lasers. High Harmonic Generation.

1997 - 2001

Ecole Polytechnique - Instituto Superior Técnico

PhD in Physique des Plasmas

Matter in Extreme Conditions

High Energy Density Plasmas. Plasma Atomic Physics.

X-ray Imaging

X-ray holography. Coherent Diffraction Imaging.

3D imaging.

X-ray Metrology

X-ray wavefront sensing. Polarization. Spectroscopy.

1992 - 1997

Instituto Superior Técnico

Engineering in Technological Physics

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